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4 Return-to-Work Models and How to Enable Them

Create Personalized Mobile-First Experiences for Your Campus - Modolabs

The focus has shifted from remote work to considering a return to the office. Enterprises are looking for ways to ensure their employees can do so safely, confidently, and productively. With health and safety at the top of mind, companies are seeking flexible models that enable them to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

We’ve compiled an overview of four emerging return-to-work models and a mobile app solution that makes it possible to share location-based, timely information, provide easy access to critical resources. Empower your employees to return to the workplace with confidence.

“We wanted to become as digital as the product we sell which is where GE@Work comes into play. [We went through] a major move from an 80s, some would say 70s, office in Connecticut to one conducive to today’s modern work environment in downtown Boston. Now we are looking to do this throughout the company across all locations.”

Kaity Lambracht
Technical Project Manager, GE