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How a No-Code App Stacks Up Against a Custom Developed App

John Bertoli /
Create Personalized Mobile-First Experiences for Your Campus - Modolabs

Digital transformation is a trend sweeping the workforce and a unified mobile workplace app should be a cornerstone to a successful and productive digital workplace. Providing employees with a centralized mobile hub where they can access essential facilities, HR documentation, office amenities—in addition to enterprise resources, can lead to increased employee engagement and retention.

Creating a workplace app to provide access to the resources your employees need to be successful is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s imperative, and expected by today’s digital-first audience.

Once you’ve decided that your office needs a unified workplace app, the next question is whether to build it in-house or buy. There are quite a few considerations that go into making this decision. Some things to consider right off the batt are time, resources, expense, and maintenance. How long will it take to build? How much will it cost? Do you have employees capable of building and maintaining this tool? Not all employee apps are created equally and often apps built in-house aren’t designed to evolve with an organization’s broader needs.

With organizational priorities, strategies, and business plans continually changing, it’s impossible to develop a single app at a moment in time that will serve today’s and tomorrow’s needs. A one-off app can satisfy your immediate needs. However, an agile no-code app building platform allows you to easily and quickly add functionality over time as the needs of your organization and users evolve.

To help with your decision making-process, we’ve put together a handbook to help you see how a no-code app building platform stacks up against a custom-developed app. Click to get The Essential Handbook for Choosing to Buy vs Build Your Workplace App.

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